Candy Floss Pink Bouquet


A beautifully arranged dried flower bouquet with an assortment of pastel Pinks, White and neutral dried blooms.

Includes a beautiful card for you to handwrite your own special message or if sending as a gift write in the additional info what you’d like us to write for you!

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A beautifully arranged dried flower bouquet with an assortment of pastel Pinks, White and neutral dried blooms.

Includes a beautiful card for you to handwrite your own special message or if sending as a gift write in the additional info what you’d like us to write for you!

A beautifully arranged dried flower bouquet with an assortment of pastel Pinks, White and neutral dried blooms.

Includes a beautiful card for you to handwrite your own special message or if sending as a gift write in the additional info what you’d like us to write for you!