Blush Pink and Neutral Dried Wedding Bouquet


Introducing the Blush Pink and Neutral Dried Wedding Bouquet, an elegant blend of preserved blush pink luxury roses, delicate gypsophila, textured bunny tails, and honesty, along with other premium dried stems. This bouquet offers a romantic, soft colour palette that beautifully complements any wedding theme. Handcrafted to suit all seasons, this timeless Preserved Bridal Keepsake it’s the perfect bridal bouquet that will remain intact as a lasting memory of your special day for years to come.

Ideal for brides seeking a sophisticated, eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers, this bouquet brings enduring elegance and natural charm. Whether for a summer garden wedding or a winter celebration, the blush pink tones and neutral accents provide timeless beauty that transcends seasons. Available for collection or local delivery.

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Introducing the Blush Pink and Neutral Dried Wedding Bouquet, an elegant blend of preserved blush pink luxury roses, delicate gypsophila, textured bunny tails, and honesty, along with other premium dried stems. This bouquet offers a romantic, soft colour palette that beautifully complements any wedding theme. Handcrafted to suit all seasons, this timeless Preserved Bridal Keepsake it’s the perfect bridal bouquet that will remain intact as a lasting memory of your special day for years to come.

Ideal for brides seeking a sophisticated, eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers, this bouquet brings enduring elegance and natural charm. Whether for a summer garden wedding or a winter celebration, the blush pink tones and neutral accents provide timeless beauty that transcends seasons. Available for collection or local delivery.

Introducing the Blush Pink and Neutral Dried Wedding Bouquet, an elegant blend of preserved blush pink luxury roses, delicate gypsophila, textured bunny tails, and honesty, along with other premium dried stems. This bouquet offers a romantic, soft colour palette that beautifully complements any wedding theme. Handcrafted to suit all seasons, this timeless Preserved Bridal Keepsake it’s the perfect bridal bouquet that will remain intact as a lasting memory of your special day for years to come.

Ideal for brides seeking a sophisticated, eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers, this bouquet brings enduring elegance and natural charm. Whether for a summer garden wedding or a winter celebration, the blush pink tones and neutral accents provide timeless beauty that transcends seasons. Available for collection or local delivery.

Available in one standard size Approx. L: 35cm x W: 45cm (Please note that the bouquet pictured is the size available)

Designed to be a stunning bridal bouquet and a cherished keepsake, this bouquet is available for collection or local delivery. Let this enduring arrangement serve as a beautiful reminder of your wedding day.